Monday, January 3, 2011

first day as a 'kakak senior'..~


guys... i know a lot of blogger loves to share their stories about their first time experience eventhough they're already in the university... they're juz wanna share their experience for the new semester in the university... so, although i'm still studying in secondary school... but frankly speaking, i'm proud to be as a upper 6 students a.k.a ppu students... now, i'm a real 'kakak senior'... yeahhhh!!! hahaha~

hurm.. being a f6 student is not as easy as u think... byk bnde nk kne organize... byk bnde yg kite kne handle from A ~ Z.... hadui... awal2 bismillah lagi dh jdik pak pacak... kne handle other students... lagi2 form 1 yg bnyk tuh... xperla... demi tugas... cewahh.. haha~
blik pun dh lmbt skrg... pling lmbt pukul 4.30 ptg... pling cepat blik kul 2.30.... huhu~
kelas MUET pling sempoi + best sbb teacher pun best jugek... ni yg menyebabkan aku lgik cepat nk amik mid term for MUET exam.... huhu~

ok laaa... overall first day at school is normal... xder pape yg special sgt... cuma....... annoying btol laaa mamat nih.... arrrhhhh... lantak mu laaa.... do whatever u wanna do... i juz do my own business... jnji aku x kacau ko... ko pun jgn laa nk flirt aku... ingt aku nk layan laa... huhhh... wahhh... *marah nampaknye..?* hehee~

ok laa... tu je laporan utk hari ni.. yg pasti ble dh skola mesti laa ASSIGNMENT BERLAMBAK...!! so, better i finish my assignment first... hehee.... permisi yaaa bu, pak...

jumpe lagi dlm entry yg akan dtg....

slmt skola buatku...

wassalam + byebye.... :)


JumpZeera said...

hye kakak senior..
teruskan usaha anda!!
best of luch eh!! =)

~xUrrA~ said...

hehe~ jgn laa panggil gitu... malu arhhh.... huhu~
ermm... u too darl... keep it up...
best of luck too...! :)

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